Friday, August 31, 2012

Ann Romney: Eastwood did "a unique thing"

Last night belonged to Mitt Romney's no-longer-secret weapon, Ann Romney. I don't believe I have ever seen a nominee's spouse deliver such a naturally joyful and energetic speech at a national convention. In fact, I'm notAnn Romney and Janna Ryan, the potential FLOTUS and SLOTUS respectively, struck two very different ensembles at Thursday night's Republican National Convention, where Mitt Romney finally accepted the nomination toHours after her speech to the Republican National Convention, the wife of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney campaigned across the critical battleground state of Florida on Wednesday, talking about her sons, her physical challenges and, of courseAnn Romney's tasteful, conservative and appropriate wardrobe largely reflects the image that she has carved for herself this week at the Republican National Convention. She wore dresses in bright red, pretty pink and, on Thursday, light blue – aMrs. Romney used her prime-time speech at the Republican National Convention to try to take some of the sheen off her husband's glossy image.
Related External LinksAnn Romney: Clint Eastwood's Speech Was 'Unique'Ann Romney Reflects On RNC Speeches: I 'Wanted Women To ...Ann Romney says November is about future for kids | The Daily

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