Friday, August 31, 2012

Clint Eastwood's political theatrics no surprise

You don't expect “unscripted” from political conventions, just as you don't expect comedy stylings from Clint Eastwood. But that's what the Hollywood legend brought to his much-anticipated speech at the Republican NationalClint Eastwood did more than make headlines with his bizarre speech at the Republican National Convention -- he managed to make Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker cringe. Walker called the speech "that one moment, which I cringed about" on MSNBC'sAnd wasn't Clint Eastwood a trip? Watching these earnest and committed people working so hard to portray their candidates Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in a positive light to the American people, what I kept coming back to was the Republican Party's fatalHey, stranger things Apparently, people think Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night (above) was SO weird, awkwardWithout a doubt, it was the most iconic visual moment of the 2012 Republican Convention -- and one of the more surreal moments in American politics.
Related External LinksClint Eastwood's Speech Was NOT A Part Of His Reality Show ...Clint Eastwood Made My Day « CBS San FranciscoForget Clint Eastwood, What About Lone Watie? - Reason

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