Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jailed Pussy Riot Trio Gets Fundraiser, Show in Chelsea

Pussy Riot, the all-female Russian band sentenced to two years in jail after its protest in a Moscow cathedral, has begun the process of registering its name as a trademark, the Moscow News reported. Mark Feigin, the feminist band's lawyer, said theWhen they called the band Pussy Riot and began performing in-your-face protest-punk, they knew they'd draw some attention, CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata reports. That was the point. But when they chose the most sacred site in the RussianThere's been plenty of talk about Russian feminist punk collective Pussy Riot in the global media over the past few weeks, but the neon-ski-mask-donning.Pussy Riot are being unjustly persecuted (in a free society, they'd have been given a slap on the wrist and a fine, then let go), and that's appropriate and good to protest. But the support movement also carries some uncomfortable echoes of the KonyProof of this new world we are living in is the conviction of the punk Russian band Pussy Riot, convicted of blasphemy against Russian church and state, sentenced to two years of prison because of an art performance in a
Related External LinksPussy Riots Everywhere (#PussyRiot Update) | MyFDLPussy Riot: unfortunate connections « Nick Baines's BlogBusiness Matters: How Pussy Riot Ended Up on Slacker Instead of

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