Marco Rubio, Republican from Florida, well known for his easy free-market brilliance and his uber-charismatic, highly persuasive speeches, not to mention his appeal to Hispanic voters. Here's an excerpt from his preparedA parade of speakers took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Thursday, ahead of presidential nominee Mitt Romney's acceptance speech. Senator Marco Rubio introduced Mitt Romney, saying "we are blessed that a man like this willRead conservative news, blogs and opinion about 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, convention, Marco Rubio and Republican from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.Tea party favorite Marco Rubio had one of those did-he-just-say-that moments by jumbling words in his Republican National Convention speech to accidently advocate for bigger government at the expense of liberty. The Florida senator's flub came in aA parade of speakers took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Thursday, ahead of presidential nominee Mitt Romney's acceptance speech. Senator Marco Rubio introduced Mitt Romney, saying "we are blessed that a man like this will
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