31, 2012 - On the last night of the 2012 Republican National Convention, the floor's highlights came from Clint Eastwood, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and the official GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. (/The Washington Post) Correction: Clarification:TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 30: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (FL) speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on August 30, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was nominated asIn fact, Rice joins U.S. Senator Marco Rubio on the list of prominent Uncle Toms shucking and jiving the great "American" values of the Republican Party. They get to play the role of token minority GOP celebs in exchange for a spot on the nationalIn fact, Rice joins U.S. Senator Marco Rubio on the list of prominent Uncle Toms shucking and jiving the great "American" values of the Republican Party. They get to play the role of token minority GOP celebs in exchange for a spot on the nationalSen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) delivered a speech to the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.
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