Friday, August 31, 2012

MTV reveals why 'Jersey Shore' is ending

Jersey Shore is officially ending. Depending on your feelings for the show, you either took this as a sign that the world isn't ending (take that, Mayans!) or you immediately crumpled into a ball on the floor out of grief. There is no middle ground onAfter nearly three years, MTV's Jersey Shore, one of the greatest TV shows of all time, will be coming to an end after this season, the show's sixth. It's going to be hard saying goodbye to eight people — The Situation, Pauly D, Vinny, Ronnie, SammiSeaside Heights is about to get significantly more quiet. MTV said Thursday that the upcoming sixth season of reality cash cow Jersey Shore will be its last, ending frequent speculation that the network would maintain theMTV has big news about the future of Jersey Shore, the catchphrase machine that has been the most popular program in the channel's history.From GTL to DTF the cast of Jersey Shore has warmed our hearts with their endearing personalities and HIGHLARIOUS acts of bravery. We'll miss them now
Related External LinksJersey Shore Cancelled: What The Cast Is Tweeting! - Perez HiltonMTV Cancelled 'Jersey Shore' - The Superficial - Because You're Ugly'Jersey Shore' canceled: Season 6 will be its last -

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