Friday, August 24, 2012

Tina Brown should sell Newsweek, Al Gore should buy Newsweek, women and ...

But the spectacle of the American liberal blogosphere in one of its almost daily fits of righteous indignation is not so much ridiculous as faintly sinister. Why? Because what I have encountered since the publication of my Newsweek article criticizingPaul Krugman says that Newsweek needs to issue a correction for columnist Niall Ferguson's new cover story on why President Obama does not deserve reelection. Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning Princeton economicsNiall Ferguson's Newsweek cover story on President Obama exemplifies a deficiency in today's media. As criticism of Ferguson's shoddy work mounted -- both from outside and inside of Newsweek/The Daily Beast -- Newsweek explained to Politico's DylanPaul Krugman says that Newsweek needs to issue a correction for columnist Niall Ferguson's new cover story on why President Obama does not deserve reelection. Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning Princeton economicsHow human traffickers are cashing in on the Chinese market for North Korean women—and how some victims escape.
Related External LinksNewsweek depresses me | Daily News, Fresh EverydayToyota's Transgender Sensation (Newsweek) | The Transexual ...Tina Brown should sell Newsweek, Al Gore should buy Newsweek

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