Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Commentary: Clint Eastwood's RNC speech was bad and ugly for Romney

Something I wrote years ago about the goings-on in Clint Eastwood's beloved Carmel evidently helped to influence him to run for mayor of that town.That office brought him into a higher profile political orbit, and that ultimately leveraged him onto theAs you may have read elsewhere, Clint Eastwood recently spoke at the Republican National Convention. He spoke from the heart, he was funny, honest, and blunt—and then got immediately bludgeoned all over the world by that most dangerous weapon ofThe music couldn't have been more fitting when Clint Eastwood walked on the Republican National Convention stage to a rendition of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly's theme. Eastwood's speech, though, was more bad than ugly and far more ugly than goodTAMPA -- Hollywood heavyweight Clint Eastwood made an unscheduled appearance on the GOP convention stage before a welcoming audience Thursday night ahead ofThe comedian said pundits panning the actor's remarks "sound like idiots to me."
Related External LinksAlthouse: Rasmussen polled of public opinion about Clint Eastwood.Clint Eastwood Makes the RNC's Day – Which Movie Character ...Move Over, Clint Eastwood: Nicki Minaj Votin' for Mitt Romney (and

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