Saturday, September 1, 2012

Eddie Murphy Shopping 'Beverly Hills Cop' Reboot, Guest Starring Eddie Murphy

Fans of the Beverly Hills Cop movies have been waiting for a fourth movie (a real movie) for a while now, since Eddie Murphy has been talking about making it for years. But instead of bringing us a fourth movie, the actor may be changing directionsRihanna was reported to have had a heart attack on Monday. Also not true. And Eddie Murphy's latest death -- Tuesday -- was said to have been the result of a snowboarding accident. As Gossip Cop notes, the actor has been "killed" about a dozen times inBecause none of his new ideas seem to work, Eddie Murphy may bring "Beverly Hills Cop" to television. Murphy has talked about a possible "Beverly Hills Cop 4" movie for several years now, but now seems intent on bringing the series to TV. Vulture.comRihanna was reported to have had a heart attack on Monday. Also not true. And Eddie Murphy's latest death -- Tuesday -- was said to have been the result of a snowboarding accident. As Gossip Cop notes, the actor has been "killed" about a dozen times inAxel Foley is back!!! The wise crackin' Detroit cop who catapulted Eddie Murphy into superstardom will collar crooks again in 90210. Eddie and Shawn Ryan,
Related External LinksEddie Murphy dead rumors continueEddie Murphy could be bringing Beverly Hills Cop show to TVEddie Murphy Shopping 'Beverly Hills Cop' Reboot, Guest Starring

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