Sunday, September 16, 2012

Egyptian Muslims, Coptics in NJ show unity

Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih is the head of Media for Christ, the organization behind the anti-Muslim film that sparked protests in the Middle East. Nasralla Abdelmasih spoke at a September 11, 2010 rally (video above)CAIRO -- Christians gathered Friday in front of a Cairo cathedral holding signs denouncing a film that mocked the Prophet Muhammad amid fears that Muslims will take out their anger on Egypt's minority community.He denies he directed film and that he ever posed as Sam Bacile, film's director.Enlarge Spencer Platt/Getty Images. Father Mina celebrates the Christmas Nativity Liturgy, the start of Christmas, at the Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George on Jan. 6 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Coptic churches around the country have witnessed a surge ofCoptic Christians and others in North Texas concerned about the events in Egypt and Libya said they are dismayed and disappointed that a short film led to violent protests throughout the Middle East, resulting in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador
Related External LinksNJ Egyptian Muslims, Coptics show of unity | Coptic, Christian ...Breaking News and other stuff.: Coptic ChristianAnaheim Coptic Christian church celebrates 15 years amid anti

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