Saturday, September 15, 2012

Google introduces 'Bacon number' -- What's the largest degree of separation ...

Google has a new way to search for how many people stand between a famous person and Kevin Bacon. But it's more than a game. Google says it demonstrates the potential of its Knowledge Graph, which it says is the nextFor those that maybe aren't well accustomed to pop culture there's this thing, it's called the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Apparently, every well-known actor is linked to a single man (in some way or another). His name is KevinThe Bacon number is a fun Easter egg -- and a highly useful tool for settling arguments at the pub. But it also represents Google's "Knowledge Graph" flexing its muscle. The Knowledge Graph, which began appearing in search results in May, marks GoogleUsing the Bacon number tool, we challenge you to find the largest degree of separation between Kevin Bacon and a famous person of your choosing. Be warned: this is surprisingly hard. For example, you'd think Kim Kardashian would have a high BaconHere's how it works: Go to the Google home page ( and in the search field, type in the name of a celebrity followed by “bacon number.” Instead of going 'round and 'round with friends about who was in what movie with whom, Google
Related External LinksGoogle Launches New Tool to Play Six Degrees of Kevin BaconGoogle Now Knows Your Favorite Actor's Bacon NumberBacon Number Google Feature Gets Response From Kevin Bacon

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