Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A 4th presidential debate? Larry King to moderate third-party candidate forum.

You'd think CNN would be thrilled with all the controversy over Candy Crowley's performance at last night's Presidential debate, but we've learned network…Last night's Presidential debate inspired speculation — albeit contradictory speculation — about whether the candidates had read a certain book: Your thoughts? Tweet · Facebook · LinkedIn · Tumblr · Stumble · DiggNew Yorkers are accustomed to being kicked to the political curb in presidential election years. The state will almost always vote Democratic, so it gets none of the tender love and care that the candidates lavish on its swing-state brethren.New Yorkers are accustomed to being kicked to the political curb in presidential election years. The state will almost always vote Democratic, so it gets none of the tender love and care that the candidates lavish on its swing-state brethren.Presidential Debate Fight For 'Binders Of Women' Voters: Countdown Day 20 - The Huffington Post.
Related External LinksHistoric Presidential Debate | Peace . Gold . Liberty | RevolutionFreakonomics » Presidential Debate, Freakonomics Style?CNN Ducking Candy Crowley Controversy Over Presidential Debate

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