Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ann Coulter's backward use of the 'r-word'

Ann Coulter called Barack Obama a "retard" in a tweet following Monday night's presidential debate.The conservative commentator's remark drew immediate protest from both Hollywood and some conservative allies, including Michelle Malkin.The conservative commentator's remark drew immediate protest from both Hollywood and some conservative allies, including Michelle Malkin.Ann Coulter called Barack Obama a "retard" in a tweet following Monday night's presidential debate.Ann Coulter is in desperate need of some sensitivity training at least according to the good people at the Special Olympics -- who tell TMZ, they're getting pretty damn tired of asking the Conservative loudmouth to stop saying the word "retard." A
Related External LinksSpecial Olympics to Ann Coulter -- Stop Saying the R-Word, Jackass ...Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Ann Coulter Edition | Crooks and LiarsAnn Coulter Calls Obama a 'Retard' on

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