Friday, October 19, 2012

GOP seizes Obama 'optimal' moment

. “When four Americans get killed it's not optimal” –Barack Obama, Daily Show. And water is wet. But, BINDERS!!!! – JD. Comments (2). 2 Comments ». Racists. Comment by JD — 10/18/2012 @ 6:32 pmStewart told the president, in regard to the administration's performance in the aftermath of the attacks, that "I would say and even you would admit it was not the optimal response - at least to the American people as far as all of us being on theThe deaths in Benghazi are a tragedy to any sensible American; however, on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, President Obama referred to the attack as “not optimal.” His poor choice of words betrays an amazing lack of sensitivity over this incidentCan Jessica Yellin be any more of an Obama flap? She scorched Mitt Romney's "binders" comment as hurtful to the candidate, but on Thursday she watered down President Obama calling the deaths of Americans in LibyaStewart told the president, in regard to the administration's performance in the aftermath of the attacks, that "I would say and even you would admit it was not the optimal response - at least to the American people as far as all of us being on the
Related External Linksneo-neocon » Blog Archive » Obama's “optimal” remark…'My Son Is Not Very Optimal — He Is Also Very Dead ... - The BlazeMother of Murdered Diplomat Slams Obama's “Not Optimal” | Power

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