Saturday, October 20, 2012

GOP seizes Obama 'optimal' moment

Obama: Not Optimal. Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:59 pm. Instapundit has the photoshops. Comments (0). No Comments ». No comments yet. RSS feed for comments on this post. Leave a comment. Name (required)(NBC) A San Diego woman whose son was killed in the Benghazi consulate attack criticized President Barack Obama for statements he made about Libya on “The Daily Show” according to a published report. 'It was a disrespectful thing to say and I don'tObama's “optimal” comment isn't a big deal to those of us who have been paying attention and no what this man is all about. BUT (!!!) the comment IS the kind of thing that has the potential to cut through to the so-called lowRepublicans on Friday pounced on President Barack Obama for saying that the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were not “optimal” -the latest instance of a candidate's choice of words becoming an issue in the race - while Paul Ryan used theObama's “optimal” comment isn't a big deal to those of us who have been paying attention and no what this man is all about. BUT (!!!) the comment IS the kind of thing that has the potential to cut through to the so-called low
Related External Linksneo-neocon » Blog Archive » Obama's “optimal” remark…'My Son Is Not Very Optimal — He Is Also Very Dead ... - The BlazeMother of Murdered Diplomat Slams Obama's “Not Optimal” | Power

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