Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In Fla., Obama chides Romney over 'Romnesia'

The Boston Globe is going to court tomorrow, reportedly to ask a judge to unseal the sworn testimony of Mitt Romney in a confidential matter in family…Mitt Romney should be doing a walk of shame today, after reversing most of his irresponsible, hawkish foreign policy statements from the last year just to have a hot night with undecided female voters in the final debate.Mitt Romney should be doing a walk of shame today, after reversing most of his irresponsible, hawkish foreign policy statements from the last year just to have a hot night with undecided female voters in the final debate.Mitt Romney loves "gender equality." Just not in America. Aw, shucks, Mitt. You sure do make a Lady-American feel special. Sure, you want to "get rid of" our largest provider of health care because religious liberty. And sureRyan Seacrest visits the campaign offices of Barack Obama And Mitt Romney.
Related External LinksMitt Romney -- Court Battle Over His Involvement in Bitter Divorce ...Mitt Romney Distances Himself From Richard Mourdock's Anti ...Court Showdown Over Secret Mitt Romney Testimony |

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