Friday, October 19, 2012

Lance Armstrong: It's been 'difficult couple of weeks'

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Lance Armstrong stepped down as chairman of his Livestrong cancer-fighting charity and Nike severed ties with him as fallout from the doping scandal swirling around the famed cyclist escalatedBeyond The Baseline - Courtney Nguyen on Tennis.Beyond The Baseline - Courtney Nguyen on Tennis.AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Lance Armstrong stepped down as chairman of his Livestrong cancer-fighting charity and Nike severed ties with him as fallout from the doping scandal swirling around the famed cyclist escalatedBack in August a Nike spokesman defended him: "Lance has stated his innocence and has been unwavering on this position. Nike plans to continue to support Lance and the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a foundation that
Related External LinksLance Armstrong doping report's implications on tennis | Beyond ...Why Nike stands by Tiger Woods but dumps Lance Armstrong ...UCI verdict on Lance Armstrong due on Monday after USADA

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