Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MSNBC playing the race card again?

During last night's edition of Hannity on Fox News, host Sean Hannity and former GOP primary candidate Herman Cain attacked rival network MSNBC for playing the race card in its post-debate commentary.If you ever wanted a glimpse into potentially just how rabidly left-of-center your average MSNBC viewer is, you had an opportunity this morning during the “What have we learned today?” segment on “Morning Joe.”MSNBC's Steve Kornacki and Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page discuss the long, narrow road to 270 electoral votes for Mitt Romney – and why it's partially the result of the government-financed auto bailout that, yes, he did oppose. Share This: facebookOn Tuesday's edition of MSNBC's The Ed Show, all but official Obama campaign surrogates Ed Schultz and Richard Wolffe discussed the third and final presidential debate. Both declared the president a clear winner and insulted the intelligence of anyoneJim Talent (R-MO), an adviser to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, was forced to modify his talking points on Tuesday after MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell said she had fact checked the claim that President Barack
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