Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stump stand-off gives way to charity cheer

Mitt Romney is finally getting his Sally Field moment: They like him. At least more than they used to. President Barack Obama clings to a 1 percentage-point national lead in a head-to-head matchup with the GOP nominee, butWith help from Kyle Cheney, Joanne Kenen and David Nather. FISCAL CLIFF? WHAT, ME WORRY? — So, you may have heard a thing or two or a million recently about the upcoming disaster known as the fiscal cliff. The looming economic calamity seemsThe Al Smith dinner in New York is a true test for the modern presidential candidate: Can he deliver hilarious lines written for him by somebody else? The difficulty is in not cracking up, since the candidates are often hearing the lines for the firstBy CHQ Staff | 10/18/12. POLITICO, the website considered by many to be the DC elite's answer to CHQ, RedState and other conservative websites, has an outrageous article on why the GOP is in a tough fight to take the majority in the Senate this election.HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. — As well as Barack Obama did in his second presidential debate — and he did very well, indeed — you still have to ask yourself one question: Why didn't he do it in his first debate? If, 12 days ago at the
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