Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Women's issues help shape presidential debate

Last night's Presidential debate inspired speculation — albeit contradictory speculation — about whether the candidates had read a certain book: Your thoughts? Tweet · Facebook · LinkedIn · Tumblr · Stumble · DiggAs expected, President Obama went to bat for Planned Parenthood during the October 16 debate with GOP rival Mitt Romney, blasting Romney's campaign rhetoric about defunding the abortion giant with the claim that “there are millions of women all acrossThe second presidential debate on Tuesday night finally touched on immigration -- one of the towering issues among Latinos -- and it came loaded with all the trigger words that send temperatures rising. There was little new in what President Obama andThe woman who claimed she was torn between voting for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney last night during the Presidential debate tells TMZ, she's STILL…MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS, Ohio — Republican nominee Mitt Romney's awkward comment during the second presidential debate that he had received “binders full of women” as Massachusetts governor when he requested more female job candidates went
Related External LinksHistoric Presidential Debate | Peace . Gold . Liberty | RevolutionFreakonomics » Presidential Debate, Freakonomics Style?CNN Ducking Candy Crowley Controversy Over Presidential Debate

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