Sunday, December 23, 2012

12-21-12 Protests against rape in India

The NRA says that the only way to keep schools safe is to train and arm someone at every school in America -- but how much would that cost? Meanwhile, Speaker John Boehner's so-called "Plan B" to avoid the fiscal cliffThe NRA says that the only way to keep schools safe is to train and arm someone at every school in America -- but how much would that cost? Meanwhile, Speaker John Boehner's so-called "Plan B" to avoid the fiscal cliffWe are getting the heck out the Game Informer offices because it's time to celebrate the holidays, and catch up on all those video games we have been putting off all year.What We're Watching: 12/21/12. Posted by: Lars Anderson, Director, Public Affairs At the end of each week, we post a "What We're Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week.12-21-12 Protests against rape in India. About video ads. Related content. Delhi gang-rape case could be turning point for India's rape laws (+video). Most viewed. Sandy Hook shooting: Town in mourning inundated with gifts, money · In 'fiscal cliff
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