Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A victory for right-to-work laws

The term “right-to-work law” is a triumph of framing. Such laws do not, in fact, give you the “right to work.” They give you the right to refuse to pay union dues when you work for a union shop, even though you get the wages the union bargained forIndiana, where Charles Cain of Columbus, Ind., protested impending right-to-work legislation in January, was the first of the traditional Rust Belt states to limit union bargaining powers. (Photo: Darron Cummings, AP)CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: This is an adjustment to reality. The fact is that, you know, in the glory days the 40s, the 50s, the 60's, the UAW was able to give its workers the highest wages, benefits in the world. That wasThe term “right-to-work law” is a triumph of framing. Such laws do not, in fact, give you the “right to work.” They give you the right to refuse to pay union dues when you work for a union shop, even though you get the wages the union bargained forRick Snyder explained on Morning Joe today that his state's new “right to work” law is actually good for workers and unions; it makes unions stronger by requiring them to “present a good value proposition” to workers that will
Related External LinksMichigan Pundit Bloviating On 'Right-To-Work' Is Newspaper Union ...Rick Snyder on 'Right to Work' - Taking Note - The New York TimesGov. Snyder Looks to Indiana's Right-to-Work

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