Thursday, December 20, 2012

I have Asperger's; I am just like you

Teachers and friends say the Newtown murderer had Asperger's syndrome - a mild form of autism. While there's no link between Asperger's and violence, the public backlash against the condition has been profound. Now, two Richmond-area women affectedFor people with no reference for Asperger's, it's challenging to hear about the school shootings and Lanza's diagnosis, and not leap to the incorrect conclusion that the disorder caused the 20-year-old man to snap and gun down 20 innocent children andWhen myths and misunderstandings are perpetuated, nonviolent people suffer. By Lucy Berrington(CNN) -- I am not an expert on Asperger's syndrome. But I am an expert on me, and I have Asperger's. And attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Having all three disorders together is not unusual, my doctor(CNN) -- I am not an expert on Asperger's syndrome. But I am an expert on me, and I have Asperger's. And attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Having all three disorders together is not unusual, my doctor
Related External LinksSex Offender Reports, Charts and Other Papers: Asperger's and ...Autism and Aspergers: How Do We Help? - brandietarvin - LiveJournalAsperger's referenced in Wyo. college killing note -

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