Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012: The World Celebrates 2013

If you haven't planned your New Year's Eve and can tolerate body-shaking bass, then there's hope for you yet. As always, Denver is swelling with options for electronic dance music fans looking for fun on the big night. Here are five worth looking into:New Year's Eve: Endless waterfalls of crisp champagne, party-pumping pop music and the perfect, sequined outfit. Yeah, right. In reality, it's usually more like an "open" bar with hour-long waits and watered-down drinks, a stranger spilling a mysteryThis is how the weather maps are supposed to look as we move into January. A frigid dome of Arctic air is oozing south from Canada. Temps hovered near -30F near the core of the cold on the north end of Lake Winnipeg this morning, and I saw -15F atSome of us don't have the privilege of littering the nighttime streets of Denver for New Year's Eve. We could be short on cash, don't have a baby sitter, there was a lack of planning or a combination of all of these things. Don't fret, the booze isNew Delhi: The doodle on the Google homepage is not something new as we have often seen Google celebrating major historic events, but the today's doodle is not only unique, but the first of its kind. Apparently, the today's
Related External LinksNew Year's Eve 2012: The World Celebrates 2013 | KUOW News ...New Year's Eve 2012: Where To Watch The Celebrations On TV ...Lying In The Gutters - New Year's Eve 2012 - Bleeding Cool Comic

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