Monday, December 24, 2012

NRA unwavering in opposition to new gun limits

Despite these objections, the NRA's proposal could be a good one for a number of reasons. Here are the arguments for it.In the aftermath of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, countless celebrities have joined millions of Americans in a plea for gun control -- Jesse James is not one of those celebrities.For the first time since the Connecticut shootings, NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre answers questions from NBC's David Gregory about his organization's stance on gun violence in America. By Tom Curry, NBC News national affairs writer. Updated 10:50 a.m. ET:NRA President David Keene appeared on CBS's Face The Nation Sunday to square off with host Bob Schieffer about the lobby group's potential responsibility for gun violence in America. According to Keene, there isn't any.Leaders of the National Rifle Association said in television appearances that they would fight any new gun restrictions introduced in Congress. They also made clear that they were not interested in working with President
Related External LinksDavid Keene, NRA President, Argues Against Gun Control (VIDEO)The NRA Gets Downright OffensiveN.R.A. Leaders Stand Firm Against Gun Restrictions -

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