Thursday, December 13, 2012

'Man of Steel' trailer shows a majestic Superman

The second trailer for Warner Bros. Man of Steel is now online! Directed by Zack Snyder, Man of Steel is a reboot of the storied Superman franchise. Warner Bros.'s last attemptThat's the dilemma for young Clark Kent in the new "Man of Steel" trailer, which gives you the idea that being plunked down into Smallville isn't the easiest possible transition for a superpowered kid. Those of us who still mourn Christopher ReeveThat's the dilemma for young Clark Kent in the new "Man of Steel" trailer, which gives you the idea that being plunked down into Smallville isn't the easiest possible transition for a superpowered kid. Those of us who still mourn Christopher ReeveThe second trailer for Warner Bros. Man of Steel is now online! Directed by Zack Snyder, Man of Steel is a reboot of the storied Superman franchise. Warner Bros.'s last attemptSo when Movieline caught Christopher Nolan on a red carpet and asked him about rumors that Batman would pop up at the end of next summer's Man of Steel, he did pretty much the only reasonable thing he could: smiled and said "I can't talk about that.
Related External LinksThe Rewind: The Man of Steel, dream playoff scenarios, and You ...Man of Steel 'Man of Steel' Effects Guru Joe Letteri Says His ...Nolan gets cagey about Man of Steel/Justice League crossover -

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