Thursday, December 20, 2012

Robert Bork, RIP

In a way, Robert Bork had the last laugh. Ted Kennedy went to his grave a rancid, lumbering, pathetic laughing stock. Bork went from intellectual triumph to intellectual triumph, contributing now-classic studies to the library ofRobert Bork, a former solicitor general perhaps best known for his controversial Supreme Court nomination which failed in 1987, died Wednesday due to heart complications, PJ Media and National Review report. He was 85.6, look no further than Wednesday morning's news of the death of Robert Bork. The constitutional originalists may have taken some heart in the passing of their embattled icon, since they'd already gotten a Bork on the Court—Antonin Scalia, nominatedReason contributor Walter Olson has a piece in the New York Post recalling one of the most hotly contested issues surrounding the recently deceased Robert.Death Robert Bork. Posted by Dan Savage on Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 7:17 AM. Borked. Bush, no With Bork on the Supreme Court, the progress of gay rights alone would have been delayed at least 10 years. Anthony Kennedy ain't perfect,
Related External LinksGawker's Jaw-Dropping Robert Bork Obituary ... - Business InsiderRobert Bork Finds Out if God Is A Strict ConstructionistRobert Bork, conservative legal icon, dies at 85 - The Maddow

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