Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ten reasons why Michigan's right-to-work law matters

Rick Snyder's signature Tuesday made Michigan the nation's 24th right-to-work state on a day both sides of the politically charged labor issue predicted would change the course of its history. "I'm confident this is in the bestRick Snyder's signature Tuesday made Michigan the nation's 24th right-to-work state on a day both sides of the politically charged labor issue predicted would change the course of its history. "I'm confident this is in the bestLANSING, Mich. — In a dizzyingly short time span, Republicans have converted Michigan from a seemingly impregnable fortress of organized labor into a right-to-work state, leaving outgunned Democrats and union activistsCredit dannybirchall/flickr In a move that's sure to infuriate and dishearten union leaders everywhere, Michigan became the 24th right-to-work state on Tuesday after Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law two bills that prohibitJon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's The Daily Show, has his own take on Michigan's right-to-work controversy – dropping an Eminem-style rap during Tuesday's program. Calling the legislation the “right-to-work-around-the-unions-for-the-corporations
Related External LinksMich. Becomes 24th Right-to-Work State'Right to Work' Laws Hurt WorkersRick Snyder: Right To Work Bills Signed Into Law In

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