Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Twas the Night Before Christmas and You Still Need Gift Advice

'Twas the night before Christmas, And Santa's online. He's emailing and calling, And all just in time. With holiday cheer, And a techie assist, He's using the Web To re-check his list. It won't fit under the Christmas tree, but there2 NEWS takes a closer look at the classic tale of the last minute shopper.'Twas The Night Before Christmas and what better way to celebrate the holidays then with Redskins Week and a little cheer?2 NEWS takes a closer look at the classic tale of the last minute shopper.'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the world, all the gamers were stirring, every boy, every girl. You see, gamers don't sleep much, especially not tonight, just one more quest, one more level, before St Nicholas dropped by. The 'rents
Related External LinksMommy Musings: 'Twas the Night Before ChristmasCycle Snack: Twas the night before ChristmasRight-Side-of-Lowell: Twas The Night Before Christmas

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