Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter solstice celebration in Dallas ends 20-year run

Revellers gather as they enjoy the sunrise during the winter solstice at Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in southern England Friday, December 21, 2012. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, and the longest night of the year.On Dec. 21, the top half of the planet will face away from the sun, leaving the North Pole in complete darkness.So let this Solstice be a time when we all put our intention toward the change, and draw forth the strength, the courage and the determination to bring that new world into being.The shortest day of the year, the one with least light. And it's true there is darkness. Here's a song called “Winter Solstice,” haunting and beautiful for the day. The light starts growing again now. What will you bring into theEach year after on the Winter Solstice or close to it, boating and sailing enthusiasts get together to celebrate with a big chili cook-off they call the "Bottom of the Pit" party, meaning the sun has reached its lowest point in the sky and will work
Related External LinksMichele Geyer – Winter Solstice 2012 – Holding Sacred Space – 23 ...XINGWORKSHOPZ: 2012, The winter solstice seasona tale of a winter

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