Monday, January 21, 2013

'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

Marie Manning: The Original Dear Abby. Linda Rodriguez McRobbie. Image credit: Julianna Brion. Marie Manning wanted to report on crimes. Instead, she did something revolutionary: She invented the advice column.

As someone who has an advice column of my own, I feel particularly sad that one of the most insightful and influential advice columnists — Pauline Phillips (Dear Abby) died earlier this week. As a tribute to her wisdom, and

Marie Manning: The Original Dear Abby. Linda Rodriguez McRobbie. Image credit: Julianna Brion. Marie Manning wanted to report on crimes. Instead, she did something revolutionary: She invented the advice column.

DEAR ABBY: During the late 1950s, I was married to the prettiest girl I ever set eyes on. "Jenny" and I were in our early 20s and naive. Back then, it wasn't considered "manly" to talk over anything that might be bothering you, so there was little to

DEAR ABBY: During the late 1950s, I was married to the prettiest girl I ever set eyes on. "Jenny" and I were in our early 20s and naive. Back then, it wasn't considered "manly" to talk over anything that might be bothering you, so there was little to

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'Dear Abby,' we still need you: Column

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