Saturday, January 26, 2013

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton's First Interview Together

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Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton's First Interview Together

Jon Stewart took on the particularly confrontational Wednesday testimony of outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last September. Stewart found Republicans to be too

Outgoing secretary of state Hillary Clinton is sporting glasses forgoing her contacts. And according to the State Department it is not simply a fashion statement it is necessity. ABC news has See More. Outgoing secretary of state Hillary Clinton is

"Every man in Hillary Clinton's life has sent her out to lie for him," he said. "Every powerful Democrat man depends on Hillary Clinton going out and lying for them. And somehow it ends up that ol' Rush Limbaugh is at the top of the list of people

"Every man in Hillary Clinton's life has sent her out to lie for him," he said. "Every powerful Democrat man depends on Hillary Clinton going out and lying for them. And somehow it ends up that ol' Rush Limbaugh is at the top of the list of people

During a long day of testifying before House and Senate panels, outgoing Secretary of State – and presumptive Democratic Party candidate for the presidency.

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