Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Congress approves 'fiscal cliff' measure

By now, we've heard all about the big stuff in the fiscal cliff bill that finally passed on Tuesday. The Bush tax cuts will become permanent for all individual income below $400,000 (and family income below $450,000). The sequester spending cuts willCongressional leaders are still engaged in negotiations over the fiscal cliff. The Senate passed a last-minute plan at 2 a.m..Congress approved a plan to end Washington's long drama over the “fiscal cliff” late Tuesday after House Republicans surrendered to President Obama's demand to let taxes rise on the nation's richest households. The House voted 257 to 167 to send theFiscal cliff negotiations between House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reportedly got heated last Friday. According to Politico, several sources claimed to have overheard aThat was the idea when Congress created the "fiscal cliff" in August, 2011 to resolve a partisan struggle, also with a deadline and also self-created, over raising the federal debt ceiling. Catastrophic budget cuts, timed to
Related External LinksU.S. Fiscal Cliff Deal Leaves House Republicans Angry, Deal In ...CBO: Fiscal Cliff Deal Ads Nearly $4 Trillion To The Deficit Over The ...Part 1 of the Fiscal Cliff is Over. Now Gird Yourself for Part 2

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