Saturday, January 5, 2013

FTC: Retailers 'Bamboozled' Customers

Amazon's Lab126, the secretive R&D group behind the Kindle, is apparently on a hiring spree, as noted by the EETimes, which speculates that the organ..Amazon's Lab126, the secretive R&D group behind the Kindle, is apparently on a hiring spree, as noted by the EETimes, which speculates that the organ..Amazon may have gotten its start selling books, but in the process it developed an expertise in building very complicated computing systems. Today, it is a dominant player in a cloud services sector that research outfit Gartner forecast would growThe holiday season is over. You've gotten games for the holidays, in all likelihood, and you probably also picked up a new game or a dozen over on Steam. But you're still looking to pad out your game library just a wee bit,The holiday season is over. You've gotten games for the holidays, in all likelihood, and you probably also picked up a new game or a dozen over on Steam. But you're still looking to pad out your game library just a wee bit, maybe with something a bit
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