Saturday, January 19, 2013

My cocktail was EPO: Lance Armstrong

The EPO welcomed the adoption by the European Parliament in Strasbourg today of two draft regulations on the creation of the unitary patent, hailing it as a historic achievement.

has admitted to the use of banned substances in competition during an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The cyclist confessed to using EPO, blood doping and use of testosterone during his highly-anticipated interview with Winfrey on Thursday (January 17).

In 2012, the European Patent Office (EPO) received 258 000 patent applications. This represents a 5.7% increase over 2011 (244 000) and sets a new record. In the same year, the EPO published 65 700 granted patents, 5.8% more than in 2011 (62 115).

The knock-on effect of the Lance Armstrong cycling scandal continues to be felt in the Netherlands with the NRC reporting on Saturday that doping was widespread in the professional cycling team sponsored by Rabobank. The paper says the team used

Martial Saugy says he met with Armstrong and Bruyneel, but did not give them the keys to beating the EPO test.

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My cocktail was EPO: Lance Armstrong

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