Saturday, January 19, 2013

NRA shoots down its own ideas

Sean Hannity devoted a special episode of his Fox News show to defending and promoting the National Rifle Association — complete with a demonstration of guns at the NRA shooting range. The Friday edition of Hannity featured an extensive interview with

WASHINGTON — The National Rifle Association stepped up its anti-Obama rhetoric on Thursday, declaring in a fundraising email that President Barack Obama had allegedly "pledged to raise $20 million to ram his gun ban

The New York Democrat told HuffPost Live's Alicia Menendez that when he worked on the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which went into effect in 1994, the NRA "had such power that they filled it up with loopholes." The Brady Law required

RAND PAUL (R-KENTUCKY): You have some Republicans backing down like Christie backing down and criticizing the NRA, and I think that doesn't do us any good. So, I think Republicans do need to stand more firmly on this issue. INGRAHAM: Why do you

“The NRA, kind of, it does what it does in how it wants to target people,” Gregory said on WRC, the NBC affiliate in Washington. “The ad is factually incorrect. And I think, you know, this is not about me. Again, I ask tough questions on both sides on

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NRA shoots down its own ideas

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