Sunday, January 20, 2013

NRA tunes into cable TV to raise money, air gun rights issues

RAND PAUL (R-KENTUCKY): You have some Republicans backing down like Christie backing down and criticizing the NRA, and I think that doesn't do us any good. So, I think Republicans do need to stand more firmly on this issue. INGRAHAM: Why do you

The NRA's ad, released earlier this week, called Obama an “elitist hypocrite” for opposing a National Rifle Association plan to put armed guards in all of the nation's schools because his daughters are protected by armed guards. Gregory's children and

Facing its toughest fight over gun reform in decades, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has stumbled out of the gate. The powerful gun-lobby group responded to last month's Newtown, Conn., massacre with a defiant press conference calling for more

Nearly one-third of Nevada's 63 lawmakers attended an invitation-only event the National Rifle Association hosted Saturday at a Las Vegas shooting range, organizers said. Some 20 lawmakers from southern Nevada learned about various firearms, including

While those figures are within the poll's margin of error, they show that the NRA's popularity is in the same range as that of the Democratic president who issued 23 executive orders to accomplish goals the gun-rights group

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NRA tunes into cable TV to raise money, air gun rights issues

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