Monday, January 7, 2013

Ray Lewis' postgame T-shirt brings attention to Psalm 91

As King David states in Psalm 91, “I (G-d) am with him (Israel) in all afflictions.” The Torah tells us that Moshe Rabbenu grew up as a prince in Pharaoh's royal palace. He enjoyed a life of wealth, luxury and privilege. When he grew up, the TorahAfter the Ravens 24-9 win over the Colts in the Wild Card round of the playoffs, Lewis pulled off his jersey to reveal a sleeveless black shirt that read "Psalms 91." During his postgame press conference, Lewis made sure to glorify God repeatedly whenAfter the Ravens 24-9 win over the Colts in the Wild Card round of the playoffs, Lewis pulled off his jersey to reveal a sleeveless black shirt that read "Psalms 91." During his postgame press conference, Lewis made sure to glorify God repeatedly whenFor the next few Sundays, I want to share what I've learned about the powerful Psalm 91. Most people are familiar with it, or have at least heard it referred to as a prayer of "Christian Protection". In fact, copies of it are oftenPsalm 91:9-13. If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”. and you make the Most High your dwelling,. no harm will overtake you,. no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you. to guard you in
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