Saturday, January 5, 2013

Trending: Chris Christie's rage outperforms the 'Kimye' baby

At first, it seemed that this week's resounding trend would be Kimye, that portmanteau of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. (As we learned last weekend, the couple will be debuting a baby in 2013.) By Wednesday, Gov. Chris Christie had assured us thatThe person I feel sorriest for in all this is whoever has to check House Speaker John Boehner's voice mails. Boehner did not move the Sandy relief bill to the floor Tuesday night, and — well, he's angered New Jersey. Chris Christie, in a pressAt first, it seemed that this week's resounding trend would be Kimye, that portmanteau of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. (As we learned last weekend, the couple will be debuting a baby in 2013.) By Wednesday, Gov. Chris Christie had assured us thatNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican, lashed out at House Republicans during a Wednesday press conference about Hurricane Sandy relief aid.Chris Christie's rant against House Speaker John Boehner Wednesday was one for the ages. Pundits and journalists alike were agape over the New Jersey's governor's willingness to name names and eviscerate his own party's leadership after Boehner
Related External LinksTrending: Chris Christie's rage outperforms the 'Kimye' baby | TrendsChris Christie Takes Jab From Arnold SchwarzeneggerWill Chris Christie Pull a

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