Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vatican Welcomes Obama Gun Control Proposal

In his weekly address, the president said his administration has taken several steps this week to reduce gun violence. But lawmakers on Capitol Hill need to pass legislation to help prevent mass shootings like the tragedy that occurred in Newtown,

And now a New York Times' editorial, published Thursday, is taking shots at states that are resorting to such drastic measures to oppose Obama's array of gun control proposals. "Already, states like these have done enormous

New York City mayor and gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg admitted Thursday that President Barack Obama's new gun control proposals "probably" would not have stopped the elementary school massacre in

WASHINGTON — In a bold and potentially historic attempt to stem the increase in mass gun violence, President Barack Obama unveiled on Wednesday the most sweeping effort at gun control policy reform in a generation.

This week President Obama outlined a sweeping package of proposed changes to America's gun laws, including a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of new assault weapons and an expansion of background checks on firearm purchasers.

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Vatican Welcomes Obama Gun Control Proposal

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