Friday, February 1, 2013

Antler supplier never saw Lewis use

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Antler supplier never saw Lewis use

NEW ORLEANS — A visibly agitated Ray Lewis refused to address during Tuesday's Super Bowl XLVII Media Day a Sports Illustrated report that Lewis, while recovering from a torn triceps earlier this season, inquired about a

Sports Illustrated reported Tuesday that Lewis sought help from a company called Sports With Alternatives To Steroids (SWATS), which says its deer-antler spray and pills contain a naturally occurring banned product connected to human growth hormone.

That non-work voice was there again, loudly, when reading a statement from Vijay Singh that began, “While I have used deer antler spray, at no time was I aware that it may contain a substance that is banned under the PGA Tour Anti-Doping Policy,” and

Sports Illustrated reported Tuesday that Lewis sought help from a company called Sports With Alternatives To Steroids (SWATS), which says its deer-antler spray and pills contain a naturally occurring banned product connected to human growth hormone.

Young was also unconvinced of the benefits of the deer antler spray Lewis allegedly used to aid his recovery from a triceps injury. “This is foolishness,” he said. “It sounds like the stupidest thing there is, I think. Anyone that's going to go out to

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