Sunday, February 3, 2013

Groundhog Day 2013: Will 'Punxsutawney Phil' See His Shadow?

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Groundhog Day 2013: Will 'Punxsutawney Phil' See His Shadow?

Today is no ordinary Groundhog Day. It's the first day in more than twenty years that neither Clinton is preening, pontificating and haranguing us from a post in public office, as is their wont. Naturally Hillary couldn't resist

In celebration of Groundhog Day and the 20th anniversary of the release of Groundhog Day, the classic movie directed by Harold Ramis and starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, we're going to be liveblogging the movie

According to folklore, no shadow for Phil means “there will be an early spring.” Had Phil seen his shadow, it would have meant six more weeks of winter. Since the Groundhog's first prediction in 1887 (through 2012), Phil has seen his shadow 100 times

According to folklore, no shadow for Phil means “there will be an early spring.” Had Phil seen his shadow, it would have meant six more weeks of winter. Since the Groundhog's first prediction in 1887 (through 2012), Phil has seen his shadow 100 times

While New York's prognosticating groundhog, Staten Island Chuck, primps for his annual turn in the spotlight on Saturday, the Real Groundhogs of New York City are slumbering hard in their boroughs.

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