Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mediterranean Diet Shown to Ward Off Heart Attack and Stroke

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Mediterranean Diet Shown to Ward Off Heart Attack and Stroke

Feb. 25, 2013 — Results of the PREDIMED study, aimed at assessing the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine. They show that the

Post by Scott Hensley, Shots, NPR Health News. Pour on the olive oil in good conscience, and add some nuts while you're at it. A careful test of the so-called Mediterranean diet involving more than 7,000 people at a high risk

It beat a low-fat eating plan in helping high-risk people avoid cardiovascular problems.

Some experts have criticized their conclusions, pointing out that subjects on the Mediterranean diet still had heart attacks and strokes, and noting that olive oil and nuts are so high in fat and calories that consuming too much of them could lead to

About 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and even drink wine with meals, a large

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