Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Multilingual dictionary keeps humans in the loop

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Multilingual dictionary keeps humans in the loop

Bikers-used-to-be-considered-gang-members Bikers used to be considered gang members. The Oxford English Dictionary changed the description after angry motorcyclists said it was outdated. They said a study showed only nine per cent of male bikers has

It's called Kamusi and it's a multilingual dictionary that could, give or take a few million dollars in funding, contain all the world's languages. Unlike other online dictionaries, Kamusi is built around concepts as well as words. So the word "spring

"My dad had incredible love for him," she told CNN at the opening of her latest exhibition, "The Last of the Dictionary Men," currently on display in London's Mosaic Rooms gallery. "It was the first time I saw a very strong black person, who was so

The binding of my copy of Uriel Weinreich's “Modern English-Yiddish Yiddish-English Dictionary” broke sometime between my third and fourth semesters studying the language. The beginning Yiddish student can get by with only the glossary in the back of

The Oxford English Dictionary has revised its current definition of bikers as "hairy" and wearing "dirty denim" after motorcyclists complained that the description does not do them justice. Citing new figures, they claim that bikers are now more likely

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