Monday, February 4, 2013

Social media abuzz about commercial kiss

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Social media abuzz about commercial kiss

Decidedly not as racy as some of the web-hosting and domain registrar GoDaddy's other famous commercials, the company's YourBigIdea.CO Super Bowl ad features an international cast of couples squabbling over the urgency of getting an original idea out

The 49ers and Ravens aren't the only teams competing during the Super Bowl. Doritos, Budweiser and Mercedes are angling for big wins, too.

Danica Patrick watches "sexy meet smart" as supermodel Bar Refaeli experiences #TheKiss in this 2013 Big Game commercial. Get your #PerfectMatch

GoDaddy's Sexy-Meets-Smart Super Bowl Commercial. Supermodel Bar Refaeli locks lips with actor Jesse Heiman in ad for web-hosting company. 02/03/2013. Share: Transcript for GoDaddy's Sexy-Meets-Smart Super Bowl Commercial. There are two sides

Decidedly not as racy as some of the web-hosting and domain registrar GoDaddy's other famous commercials, the company's YourBigIdea.CO Super Bowl ad features an international cast of couples squabbling over the urgency of getting an original idea out

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