Monday, February 4, 2013

The Best Super Bowl Ad So Far Was Based on a YouTube Video

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The Best Super Bowl Ad So Far Was Based on a YouTube Video

The narration was offhand (literally so, taken from the late Paul Harvey's 1978 address). It's hard to call ads like these — and for that matter, Eastwood's work — conservative. They exist to remind us that we are all part of one country, which is

One of the most touching commercials from Super Bowl Sunday was the Dodge ad based on the "so God made a farmer" speech by Paul Harvey. We've included the full audio from the speech below so you can listen to the

From the panel: Sukle: "What a great spot. Wish I'd done that one. It felt honest and authentic. The execution was beautiful and simple. Using still photos stood out, and the sound design made everyone stop and listen. Of course they had Paul Harvey

Hi fellow EAA members, I'm editing a short article on the late radio celebrity Paul Harvey (who was an EAA member and pilot) for our EAA Chapter 52 newsletter. I've searched the internet, but can't find any information on

Did you like the commercial about farmers that Dodge produced for the the Super Bowl?

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