Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Daylight Savings Time, discussed

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Daylight Savings Time, discussed

They're likely to gripe even more when they find out "Daylight Savings" is actually a misnomer. A 2011 study by environmental researchers Matthew J. Kotchen and Laura E. Grant (via WSJ's Real Time Economics) found switching actually cost each an

Why DST Is Pointless: Seems like 2013 is the year that people (or at least the internet media) turned on Daylight Savings Time. Losing an hour of sleep for a night isn't fun, sure, but it's not often you hear folks complaining about an extra hour of

(Arizona doesn't need any more sun so they don't do Daylight Saving Time.) I was sitting on the couch Monday morning puzzling over which time Walsh's doctor's appointment actually was when my babysitter called and her Android phone had done the same

This is the weekend when we switch back to Daylight Saving Time. But did you know that losing that hour of sleep can be dangerous to your health?

It's that time of year again. The time when I see all the positive tweets coming through in regards to daylight saving time. Originally introduced by Germany and the Central Powers to cut coal consumption during World War I, it's

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