Friday, March 8, 2013

Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un are teammates (NBA Jam style)

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Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un are teammates (NBA Jam style)

Dennis Rodman's friendship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is getting lampooned in the most fitting of ways via YouTube. Rodman teams up with the dictator in a bizarro version of the beloved video game NBA Jam. The results are supreme.

The folks at Official Comedy put together an NBA Jam mash-up featuring Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un playing basketball. The two pals take on a squad nicknamed the "Pathetic Americans."Kim dominates the game, scoring every point on the way to

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman traveled to communist North Korea, a trip financed by a documentary filmmaker. Rodman appeared neither officially nor unofficially as part of the U.S. government. – Page 1.

From the WTF files: former NBA bad boy and eternal odd duck Dennis Rodman on national TV relaying messages to President Obama from Kim Jong-un.

Dennis Rodman's friendship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is getting lampooned in the most fitting of ways via YouTube. Rodman teams up with the dictator in a bizarro version of the beloved video game NBA Jam. The results are supreme.

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