Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Douglas Adams: The hitchhiker's guide to humor and science (+video)

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Douglas Adams: The hitchhiker's guide to humor and science (+video)

Today on Google is an interactive Google Logo (aka Google Doodle) for the 61st birthday of the late Douglas Adams

For many, the Google Doodle, the interactive Google Logo, is just a fun representation of what Adam Douglas contributed to the world with his Hitchhikers Guide trilogy. You can play with the Google logo to unlock messages from his writings. But, toward

Today on Google is an interactive Google Logo (aka Google Doodle) for the 61st birthday of the late Douglas Adams

For many, the Google Doodle, the interactive Google Logo, is just a fun representation of what Adam Douglas contributed to the world with his Hitchhikers Guide trilogy. You can play with the Google logo to unlock messages from his writings. But, toward

Although author Douglas Adams said, "So long and thanks for all the fish" to this mortal coil 12 years ago, this mostly harmless world still remembers him and his contributions to the science fiction canon. In honor of his hilarious "Hitchhiker's Guide

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