Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In Celebration Of British Mother's Day: A Gallery Of British Celebrity Moms!

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In Celebration Of British Mother's Day: A Gallery Of British Celebrity Moms!

There and back on Mothers Day. Yesterday was Mothers Day here in the UK. I hope all you Mums out there had a special day with your loved ones. This is my little home made gift to my lovely Mum, a scissor keeper covered

By Philip Carter This Sunday, if you give (or receive) cards, flowers, and gifts for Mothering Sunday, spare a thought forConstance Adelaide Smith. In 1913 Constance read an article in a local newspaper which described

But Mother's Day always makes me feel an uneasy combination of fraudulent and angry. Angry, because on the other 364 days of the year a mother's labours are all but invisible. And fraudulent, not only because my husband is, I reckon, a far better

Mine fell into two parts – once as a daughter to Juno and as Domestic Goddess/Mother to Sonshine. Since it is Monday, I thought I'd split the Mothers' Day report in half. Hitting you with the loveliness that was my Mother's Day

But Mother's Day always makes me feel an uneasy combination of fraudulent and angry. Angry, because on the other 364 days of the year a mother's labours are all but invisible. And fraudulent, not only because my husband is, I reckon, a far better

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